Saturday, May 22, 2021


    To sum it up, the Sustainable Development Goals are full of global objectives that all countries trying to achieve for a better sustainable world. The idea of ensuring human well-being has been implemented since back in the day by other religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity not only Islam. People from different countries, religions, and backgrounds are driving towards the Sustainable and Development Goals.

    Each and every one of us has our own role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by working hand-in-hand as one united world to reach true sustainability. The role that I'm taking right now is to help in spreading the importance of having a sustainable world by sharing it in a blog for other people to follow and join. We should hold on to good principles like al-wasatiyyah, sharing is caring, and avoiding wastage as it can help us to maintain good sustainability. I hope that this sharing can help other people obtain

a sustainable life.

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