Saturday, May 22, 2021


    To sum it up, the Sustainable Development Goals are full of global objectives that all countries trying to achieve for a better sustainable world. The idea of ensuring human well-being has been implemented since back in the day by other religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity not only Islam. People from different countries, religions, and backgrounds are driving towards the Sustainable and Development Goals.

    Each and every one of us has our own role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by working hand-in-hand as one united world to reach true sustainability. The role that I'm taking right now is to help in spreading the importance of having a sustainable world by sharing it in a blog for other people to follow and join. We should hold on to good principles like al-wasatiyyah, sharing is caring, and avoiding wastage as it can help us to maintain good sustainability. I hope that this sharing can help other people obtain

a sustainable life.

Maqasid Shariah and Sustainable Development

    I've realized that Sustainable Development Goals is a western ideology that is only focused on the world and not the hereafter but Maqasid Shariah is an Islamic ideology that involves both aspects of the world and hereafter. As a Muslim in this century, I would like to implement both ideologies because the fundamental of the ideologies are quite similar and they cause no harm as their main objective is to create a more sustainable life for the well-being of the people and nature.

    The Maqasid Shariah gives importance to sustain human well-being in terms of life, religion, wealth, lineage, and intellect. I'd like to discuss and highlight to sustain human well-being in terms of life. During the week of learning about Maqasid Shariah, our lecturer told us to create a poster regarding the Maqasid Shariah and The Sustainable Development Goals. My group chose Sustainable Development Goal number three that is Good Health and Well-being and Maqasid Shariah which is the Protection of Life.

       I agreed to focus on these particular aspects which are good health and well-being and protection of life with my group because it is important to me as I have a friend who is diagnosed with bipolar and depression. There was a time where she wanted to kill herself and told us through our conversation online. Prior to the incident, she had been acting weird like posting herself on Instagram and creating a product where she mixed ingredients like hand sanitizer and perfume as a medicine to treat people. She told us she took the knife that her mother hide and wanted to kill herself. So, my friends and I immediately tried to contact her by calling her multiple times but she did not pick up. We were really worried and did not know what to do. We even tried to call the helplines like befrienders but they said that they cannot do anything unless the person itself called them. We also doubted to call the police because we were not sure of that situation. We felt so helpless but we did not give up. Luckily, we found her mother's contact number and called her. Her mom was clueless as we told her about everything that happened and she said that our friend was fine and she will check up on her. We felt relieved and the next day her mom called me. She asked me whether we all were planning to meet up with her or not because her daughter told her that we will all meet up with her somewhere but I said no because we did not plan to meet up. Her mom sounded worried because she already dropped her off at the destination that she said we were going to meet up at. A few hours later, we checked up on her through social media and found out that she had an appointment and she was getting serious help for her treatment and everything was fine. It is important that society is aware of how important it is to maintain a sustainable society with good health and well-being by protecting their lives physically and mentally. Some of our friends thought that she did it for fun, problem, or attention but little did they know she was suffering from mental disorders. I hope that people can take this issue seriously because one of the most important SDGs is SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being).

Islam and Sustainable Development

    Even before the Sustainable Development Goals were made public by the United Nations, Islam has taught us long before on the ways to sustain our lives. With the teachings of Islam, sustainability can be obtained socially, economically, and environmentally. One of the concepts of Islam that helped me to sustain my life is al-Wasatiyyah.

    The meaning of al-Wasatiyyah is mostly known as moderation. However, based on an article about Wasatiyyah from, referring to the Quranic quote "ummatan wasatan", it is interpreted as the Islamic nation having attributes of balance, excellence, and justice in this world and afterlife to serve as Allah's believers "shuhada' ala al-nas" (witnesses over mankind) and it can also be simplified as "Justly Balanced Nature" or "Justly Balanced Quality" of Islam and the Islamic nation (Quran 2:143).

    As a Muslim, I try to be moderate in many things and consequently achieve social, environmental, and economic sustainability. For maintaining social sustainability, I would try not to buy food and drinks more than what I need. This is to avoid wasting valuable food and drinks so that others can have the opportunity to eat and drink it too. This is aligned with the quote from the Quran which is "
O Children of Adam! take your adornment at every worship: and eat and drink, and waste not; verily He approveth not the wasters." (Quran 7:31). I also try not to waste water like when I brush my teeth, I will make sure that the water is not running while I'm brushing my teeth. The action may look simple, but it is actually important because saving the water resources can help others by avoiding a shortage in water resources and others. This can also be applied to other valuable resources like electricity and etcetera so that the community can all live harmoniously together. If everyone does their part in ensuring the sustainability of the world, SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), and 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) can be accomplished.

    As for environmental sustainability, I love to create arts and crafts, especially from plastic, paper, or polystyrene that people do not use anymore. Plastic waste like a used water bottle can be perfectly used as a pencil holder. I also like to decorate it with my own creativity and it will look like a brand new thing freshly out of the store. Reducing material wastage can also reduce chemical wastage like carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and chlorofluorocarbons out to the environment and consequently pollute the air, water, and other natural resources and cause harm to the health of the nation. I hope that everyone can implement the 3R concept (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) in their lives so that SDG 3 (Good health and Well-being), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), 13 (Climate Action), 14 (Life below Water), and 15 (Life on Land) can be obtained.

    For economic sustainability, I like to make myself practice the gift of sharing even when it's just sharing knowledge. Knowledge can be spread and obtain so easily as long as we are willing to share. The economy of a country can be developed if education is also well developed. We can also share or donate items even if they are used as long as it is still in a good condition to other people that are in need. My family would always give out the things we do not need anymore in a plastic bag and put them in the charity bin near our home or give it to the Cash Converters store. My dad also taught me to always donate some money even if it is just cents to the moneybox in the mosque if I'm there. He said even the littlest gift matters. We need to be more of a sharing person than a stingy person. "
they give preference to others above themselves, even though they were in poverty, and those that are saved from the stinginess of themselves, they are successful.” (Quran 59:9). I'm sure this can help in achieving SDG 1 (No Poverty) and 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).

Friday, May 21, 2021

Introduction to Sustainable Development

    Honestly speaking, I was not aware of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) until my university which is IIUM itself has a course specifically to increase the knowledge of the students on sustainable development. I learned that SDG does not only apply to developing countries like Brazil, Philipines, and my country but to all other countries as well. My country which is Malaysia evidently trying its best to develop a more sustainable country. 

    Malaysia is trying to achieve the 2030 agenda that is the SDGs in 3 dimensions which are social, economy, and environment. There are 17 goals, 169 targets, and 304 indicators. Based on the Sustainable Development report from (2020), one of the SDG achieved in Malaysia is SDG 1 (No Poverty) but we still have to maintain it and improve on other goals as well. It also stated Malaysia is ranked at number 60 based on the overall score of total progress in achieving all 17 SDGs. There is still room for improvements and there is still a long way to go in achieving the goals by 2030. Currently, we are in the year 2021 and we are experiencing a global pandemic (Covid-19) but it is still not impossible to keep continuing in achieving the SDGs for a better country.


    This is my first ever blog. I'm very blessed to be given an opportunity to write my own thoughts here. Thank you for spending your time reading this blog. 

    I write this blog to spread the importance of sustainable development and share some ideas to maintain sustainable growth for the country. I hope that the people who are reading this blog can make the world more sustainable. Our country is trying its best to carry out Sustainable Development Goals. That is why I also would like to contribute my effort by writing a blog about Sustainability as a whole as I believe that blogging about this would make more people more aware of its importance because sharing knowledge is key to success.

    This journal 1 will consist of my point of view on Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals, Islam and Sustainable Development, and Maqasid Shariah and Sustainable Development.